Robotics Lab

The Robotics Lab is a mobile robot with omnidirectional wheels. The platform is equipped with a set of sensors and a manipulator with 4 degrees of freedom.

Robotics Educational and Research Platform

The Robotics Educational and Research Platform has been designed as a bench for practical experiments and as an open platform for robotics algorithms design and development.
Mobile Robot for Study of Robotics Systems in Agriculture

The Mobile Robot test bench has been designed for robotics experiments in the agricultural field.

Automated Wind Tunnel

The automated wind tunnel test bench has been designed based on the Flotek or Aerolab wind tunnels. It can be used as a research bench as well as an educational laboratory.

Automated Educational Medium Wind Tunnel

The automated educational medium wind tunnel is an accostable scientific and research laboratory bench. Due to its affordability, the medium wind tunnel makes it possible to duplicate tests performed with the use of more expensive large-scale wind tunnels.

Automated Educational Mini Wind Tunnel

The automated educational mini wind tunnel is an accostable scientific and research laboratory bench. The system consists of different modules for taking measurement from the sensors as well, as controlling the air flow speed in the test section of the wind tunnel.

Information Input and Output Devices Lab

The Information Input and Output Devices Lab has been designed as a laboratory platform for familiarization with a basic devices applied for information input and output.

Manipulator and Vision Systems Usage in Industrial Automation Lab

The educational lab is intended for studying the possibilities of using manipulator and vision systems in industrial automation. Manipulator with 4 degrees of freedom (DOF), color camera, illuminator and a digital weigh scale are used in the lab.

Virtual Control and Research System of Gas Turbine Engine Characteristics

The Virtual System of Gas Turbine Engine Lab is designed for simulation operation of gas-turbine engines and studying the change in the parameters depending on the engine power conditions.

Laboratory Bench for Study of Gas Turbine Engines Characteristics

The lab stand is based on the TurboGen gas turbine electric power generation system by Turbine Technologies, equipped with National Instruments control and measurement hardware.

Research Lab for Studying Solar Cells' Parameters and Characteristic

The laboratory stand is designed for studying physical processes of solar and light emission conversion into electrical energy. The lab stand allows students to gain practical skills in working with solar cells and explore their main parameters and characteristics.

Automated Airfoils Deformation Research Lab

The automated educational stand for the study of airfoils deformation has been developed based on the TrueStructure bench by Turbine Technologies.
