High-Speed ADCs Automated Testing Equipment

The system is intended for automation of high-speed pipelined ADCs testing process. The current system allows testing of ADCs with sampling rate up to 100MHz, resolution 12 bit and with parallel digital output interface.

Automated Testing Equipment for PCBs Functional Testing

The system has been designed and developed for automated testing of PCBs assemblies functionality.

Pressure Sensors Arrays

There are 2 modifications of pressure sensors array (PSA), NTPSA-8 and NTPSA-24 with correspondingly 8 and 24 channels. The output signal of the PSAs is current signal 4-20 mA or voltage 0-10 V. The PSAs can be used along with educational wind tunnels and in different fields where it’s required to measure low pressure with high sensitivity.

Automated Testing Equipment for Current Sensor Chips

The system allows testing of 72 special current chips in parallel. The special software along with FPGA based reconfigurable PXI board and programmable power supply allows testing of UUTs in fully automated mode.

Tethered Power System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Tethered Power System is intended to provide unlimited power from a ground power source of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The system provides continuous operation of the UAV in the flight mode for an unlimited time at a distance of up to 100 meters.

Industrial Data Logger

The Industrial Data Logger is intended for data acquisition and logging from different types of analog and digital input modules.

Flight Parameter Logger

Flight parameter logger is intended for parameters measurement and logging from different types of sensors.

NTCB-01 Connector Block

Connector block is a matching module for input/output analog and digital signal and is used for connecting the data acquisition (DAQ) device to the external device.

TB-RJ45-4330 Terminal Block for NI PXIe-4330

The TB-RJ45-4330 is a front-mounting terminal block with RJ-45/RJ-50 terminal connectivity for the NI PXIe-4330 bridge input module.

NT-ROBO-7001 Universal Board

The NT-ROBO-7001 universal board is intended to use with NI myRIO controller for using in wide range of areas like robotics applications, motors control, etc.

Ultrasonic Digital Signal Processing Board

The board is dedicated for generation signal in ultrasound range and processing the reflected signal.

High voltage DC-DC Converter for Ultrasonic Applications

A boost-up DC-DC converter board has been designed and developed for ultrasound applications.
